Monday, March 14, 2011

Manic Monday: March 14, 2011

First a recap on last week:

I about managed on average an hour of yarn time each day. I think I missed one or two days in the week, but more than made for the lack on other days.  I even managed to finish a very important personal project that has helped me bring some closure after a recent jarring event.  Now to focus on commissioned projects.  One is almost done, the other requires more focus than a few minutes here or there.

On the running front, I only managed to get out for one day.  So this week, I will continue working on the Week 1 program of the Couch to 5K program.  I felt amazing all day Thursday after running.  Friday and Saturday I was incredibly sore.  I either am not drinking enough water or not stretching enough.  Possibly and highly likely both.

So this week, I plan on continuing to find an hour to knit every day, drink 8 glasses of water every day AND at least 5 minutes of yoga everyday in the morning and evening (both of which I can track on SparkPeople).  The stretching isn't a lot of time, and I'll likely do more but I just want to start with something small to make it a habit...eventually.  Hopefully, this time it will stick, especially since my fibromyalgia has been flaring again and taking some time for yoga, even just a couple minutes, always helps improve the flare ups a little.

So, that's what I'll be doing this week.  How are you spending your week?

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