While I've been doing pretty darn well with the challenge, Cynthia has not been. We both have particular health considerations that are obviously different from one another's. I am thus far lucky that mine hasn't been flaring up, in fact, it might be just because I've been consistent that my fibromyalgia hasn't gone haywire. Cynthia wasn't so lucky. I spent the weekend racking my brain for ideas for modifications and we agreed she would continue to do her challenge exercises in the pool (which is totally awesome!). She's also gone back to the gym at least one day, so I'm going to need to find ways to step it up to keep up with her!
My weekend was pretty lazy for the most part when I wasn't killing myself with the Shred. Saturday morning was spent doing some yard work (here's hoping THAT stays consistent!) for an hour or two. The rest of the day was spent lounging waiting for a special dinner. My parents took Jeff and I up to Erna's Elderberry house just because. Coincidentally, it was our two year anniversary, too. After dinner we explored the grounds, found a rope swing set and a life-sized chess set. We'll have to go back when there's more daylight so we can play a proper game. On the way out, the highway was delayed 3 hours due to an accident, so we took back roads around Bass Lake. Jeff got a bit car sick, unfortunately.
Sunday, Jeff went to help a family member move and I got the house to myself for a few hours. Since I finished Cursor's Fury (Codex Alera, Book 3)
Pretty mellow, and I wish it didn't have to end. The daily grind is killer!
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