I'm just going to cut to the chase and break it down.
Lose weight, be slimmer, get stronger.
1. Add 30 minutes of activity to every day: Low Success
2. Go on one hike: Success
3. Eat Paleo style more often: Low Success
4. Eat out only once per week: Low Success
Measurement: Lose five pounds. Starting 192. Yesterday (because I forgot this morning) 188, or -4 pounds.
Thoughts: I *suck* at this stuff. It was an overemotional month for me, and I deal with emotions by eating things I know are bad for my health and bad for my wallet. I cannot help myself. And if you deny me, I turn into a temper-tantrum-throwing-toddler. Really. It's not pretty. And horrendously embarrassing. I've been better the last couple days, but for February I need to change tactics obviously.
More yoga, more consistently.
1. Do 3 sun salutations every morning: High Success
2. Resume hosting classes once per week: Low Success
3. Attend one studio class twice per month: No Success
4. Do at least one private one hour intensive once per week: No Success
Another big fail for me, except on the sun salutations. I didn't do them every day, but I have done them almost every day. I'm rethinking classes and my reasons for doing yoga; and money hasn't been available for formal classes (see above), so I don't feel too bad about these. I'm doing a little every day and that's better than nothing. I still want to see more improvement.
Garden more.
I'm not even going to list anything because I did NOTHING gardening-wise this month. Jeff did all the hard work. Still I sit on the back porch and fantasize about having a beautiful lush something. Honestly, I kind of just want to plant baby plants rather than start seeds so I might hold off until I have $20 to spend on something ready to go outside. Seedlings are hard to do with kittehs that like to eat the baby greens. Ebil kittehs.
Explore artistic endeavors.
1. Spend 1 to 2 hours everyday writing: High Success
2. Always have a project in hand while watching television: High Success
3. Dance drills: No success
4. Complete 4 short stories: Success
5. Outline 2 potential collections: Success
I consolidated my "Break out with some fiction" goal here because it made sense. First with the writing, this has gone very, very well. I find if I'm in a rotten mood (which has been often this month) after I've switched gears to writing, it's like I see the world through rose-colored glasses. It's very bipolar (although, I'm not). It's like running, it's hard to be in a bad mood after I've done it. I don't know, but YAY regardless. Yes, I completed 4 stories. Yes, I completed 2 outlines. Yes, I *am* badass. I didn't write every single day, but it doesn't matter, I feel pretty solid about the time I have made and my ability to focus on it.
Dance drills, see the top goals. Non-existent. Re-evaluating what I want here. Projects with television have been a success. I always keep something in my purse. I'm almost finished with the huge scarf project I took on last year, it's a pity we have late spring-like weather in January. I'm afraid the future owner will have to wait another year before being able to enjoy the beautiful creation. I've been busting my poor little hands to make this NOT the case, but it's the scarf that never ends!
Reduce clutter.
1. Yard sale: Success. HUGE success, even.
2. Follow organizing calendar every day: No Success
3. Freeze purchasing: High Success
Yard sale helped us get caught up on bills, totally awesome. Jeff has been posting and reposting items that didn't sell (or didn't get picked up) on Craigslist with some success. Every day I find things I no longer need and get rid of them accordingly. Some things are sold, some things are given lovingly to friends who could better use them. Either way it's a constant process. That being said, not worried that I'm not keeping up with the calendar since I'm already self-motivated. It was just a tool to give me ideas, and I haven't needed to use it yet. Purchasing has been good since we don't have money to spend. And when we do, we use it on meals out :(
There were other items on my list, but they deserve their own post. Hopefully I will be better about posting in February than I was this past month. Writing elsewhere just took me away from here.
Have you checked in with yourself? Are you being honest about your progress and actions? I'd love to hear how others are coming along!
[The Astrology Podcast] March Forecast
2 weeks ago
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