Thank goodness for an amazing weekend! The couple weeks preceding the last were pretty grueling. Weekends were unproductive (unless I was at the office) and I just felt spent all the time. Exhausted, cranky, and unhappy. There were good moments in with the bad, but things just sort of sucked in general.
Last week Jeff was gearing up for the new job, reading the training material and getting snazzy clothes. He looks so cute in a suit, I will have to post pictures at some point! (I just need to be better about posting pictures in general.)
Friday night we spent at North Tower Circle helping (with cash) to raise money for the Central Valley Pagan Pride. The theme was "A Bewitching Night" and lots of folks came out dressed up ready to party. Some of the regular patrons looked a little confused, but that didn't stop us from having a good time. The drag show was fun, but I think the go-go dancers stole the show. The raffle prizes were pretty awesome; I don't know who put those together but they definitely deserve a foot massage! Many incriminating photos came out of the event. If only I knew where my camera cable went!
I must have danced until 1am and didn't fall over into bed until at least 2am. I am resolved to go out dancing more often. It's so much fun and gets better every time I go. Even with the late night shenanigans, I was up early to teach yoga class. Super refreshing after a late night out!
Saturday evening we spent at my supervisor's beautiful log cabin up near Shaver Lake. The evening was relaxed. It was non-descript, but very enjoyable. Just , but I hope they invite us back!
Sunday we ran errands getting things collected for Jeff's trip. He hit the road at about 4pm. The cats and I spent a few minutes staring at the door while I considered what to do with myself. I filled my evening trying to expend nervous energy cleaning, taking out the garbage, putting away the rest of the laundry, and finally trying to settle down to crochet. I was anxious and bored, so I tried doing some yoga. I couldn't focus, so I decided to read until I was tired. A couple hours later I wandered downstairs to refresh my tea and found the cats sitting on the couch still staring at the door. It was pretty darned adorable! I told them that they waited in vain and they eventually came upstairs to curl up in bed with me.
It's nice having the quiet and the space, but I have to admit that I didn't sleep so well last night. I tossed and turned so much that I literally pulled a muscle on my right side! How ridiculous is that?
I have one activity night this week (Zumba and Tuesday class!) and the rest I will play by ear. I already have a massive to do list tonight. I'm hoping scratching out some of the items off the list will help relieve my anxious energy. I'm a little surprised with myself. Usually I'm happy and peaceful in the quiet, but I guess, looking back, the one day I would have to myself I always spent my time running around getting things done.
I'm bound to relax eventually. Hopefully it's sooner rather than later!
My challenge this week is not just relaxing (hey, it's challenging for me!) but trying the paleo/primal diet. I usually get pretty emotional when I don't get all the bread and carby goodness I want, but I figure with Jeff out of town, I'll have to actually deal with balancing my needs rather than look for a distraction. I'm mostly uncomfortable with the high doses of meats the lifestyle recommends, but we'll see. I want to see how I do healthwise. It's fun to experiment to see what works for me.
[The Astrology Podcast] March Forecast
2 weeks ago
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